Day Three:

Time: Find
the Shapes
will need
- Card
stock paper
- Scissors
(teacher only)
Name of file needed for this
activity is FlashCardsShape.pdf print onto card stock paper.
Next file to be printed out for this activity is FlashCardsShape2.pdf print onto card stock paper.
out both flash cards file. Print out two sets of each file. Teacher will cut
apart one set of the flash cards. Do not cut one set of the flash cards. Have
the children sit in a circle, teacher will hold up one card at a time and show
it to one of the children and see if the child can tell you what shape is on
the card, help the children as needed, continue until everyone has had a turn.
teacher will hide all the shape cards around the room in plain sight. Have the
children look for the cards, and tell you which shape card they found, as they
find cards have them match the shape card they find to the shape board.

Project: Rectangle
will need
- Card
stock paper
- Different
colors of tempera washable paint
- Small
child sized paint brushes
- Dark
colored circle stickers
Name of file needed for this
activity is Train.pdf print onto card stock paper.
Next file to be printed out for this activity is RectangleTrain2.pdf print onto card stock paper.
out the train picture and the rectangle train files. Teacher will paint the
train and place onto the wall. Have the children each paint their rectangle
train different colors, after they are done, put the train rectangles aside to
dry and then tape the rectangles onto the wall to make a long rectangle train.
Place the circle stickers on after; the bottom part of the stickers will stick
to the wall. Write the children’s names on the train they painted.

Learning Time: Make a Rectangle
will need
- Black
construction paper
- Yellow
- Straws
- Scissors
(Teacher Only)
- Glue
Teacher will draw a rectangle
on a piece of black paper with a piece of yellow chalk and hold it up and show
the shape to the children. She will ask the children what shape she just drew;
rectangle. Show the children how each 2 sides of the rectangle match and how
one side of the rectangle is longer than the other side.
Ask the children what color the
chalk outline is; yellow, point out that it is the color yellow.
Provide all the children with a
piece of black construction paper and some straws. Cut some of the straws in
half and give each child two halves and two whole straws. Show them how to move
the straws around to make a rectangle.
Teacher can use a piece of
chalk and make a rectangle outline on the black paper for any child that needs
help, and they can match the straws to the outline.
Then have the children glue
their straws to the paper to make a rectangle.
. *Optional* if you do not
have any straws available, you can cut strips of yellow paper and have the
children make the rectangles with the strips of paper.
Sheet/Print Out: Letter
will need
- Copy
- Card
stock paper
- Markers
or crayons
- Glue
Name of file needed for this
activity is LetterR.pdf print onto copy paper. Next
file to be printed out for this activity is RingoSmall.pdf print onto card stock paper.
you begin this activity, go below to song/finger rhyme time, begin there and then come back here to finish.
out the letter R and the small Ringo rectangles. Have the children color the
letter R and the four rectangles. When they are done coloring have them cut out
the rectangles and glue them to the letter R.
the children how Ringo and rectangle both start with the letter R.

Extra Activity: Rectangle Collage
will need
- Red,
yellow, white and blue construction paper or card stock paper
- Glue
or tape
Give each of the children a
piece of white construction paper for their base. Teacher will cut a lot of
rectangles from paper, cut different lengths and sizes, make sure you have some
long rectangles, for the children to loop them or make circles with. Show the
children how they can fold the ends down, just a little bit and glue the folded
ends to the paper to make a loop, or they can fold the long strips and then
fold down the ends and glue or tape to the paper, they can make circles out of
the rectangles and glue or tape these to the paper, they can fold the strips
like an accordion and tape these to there paper.
Teacher should make the
collage with the children and show them how to fold the paper to make is like
an accordion, and show them how to make circles and loops from the rectangles.
Teacher should go around to any child who needs extra help and show them how to
make the loops or how to fold the paper to glue it down.
Song: Ringo
Print out Ringo the rectangle
and display while singing the song.
Name of file needed for this
activity is RingoRectangle.pdf print onto card stock paper.
Next file to be printed out for this activity is RingoSmall.pdf print onto card stock paper.
Print out the small Ringo the
rectangle there are eight Ringo’s in this file. You will need five Ringo’s per
child. Have the children color the rectangles and then tape one to a craft
stick and have them use the rest of the rectangles with the song and story
below. After you finish with the song and story below, go back to the work
sheet/print out above and use the rectangles from this activity with the letter
R activity.
Point to the letters R-I-N-G-O that
are printed under Ringo the rectangle, tell the children this is Ringo the
rectangle and this is how you spell his name. Point to the letters as you sing
the song. Have the children take turns after the song pointing to the letters
and telling you what letter they are pointing at, help them as needed.
Adapted from bingo
I have a rectangle and Ringo is
his name oh
R-I-N-G-O, R-I-N-G-O, R-I-N-G-O
And Ringo was his name-oh
Ringo the rectangle looked at
the ground (look down)
Ringo the rectangle looked all
around (slowly look around)
And this is what Ringo found.
1, 2, 3, 4 rectangles on the
Give each child four rectangles;
have them place them on the ground, for Ringo the rectangle to find.