Preschool Flower Week
One Day Sample
{From Our May Lesson Plans}
Preschool Lesson Plans
May Week 3
Review Letters – Number 11
Color Yellow – Shape Oval
Flower Week
Day 1
Circle Time: Flower Letter Match Up
Review Letters A thru J
Circle Time Activity:
You will need 10 small sturdy plastic plant pots and label them A, B, C, D through the letter J. If you don’t have any plastic flower pots you can use then see if you can find some metal cans (no sharp edges) from canned spaghetti, canned veggies, peanuts or use you may be able to use sturdy plastic cups; such as yogurt cups, or the covers from liquid soap (washed out) or sturdy plastic drinking cups, etc.
Flower Directions:
Print out the flower tops onto white cardstock paper and color each flower top with a marker, use one color, such as red, orange, purple, green, brown and blue, color the centers yellow as you will need to write the letters into the centers of the flowers, if the centers are a light color you can use a marker onto the flowers center otherwise you will need to use circle stickers to write the letters on.
After all the flower tops have been colored attach them to jumbo craft sticks.
Lay all the flowers face down onto the floor and have the children sit around the flowers. Line up all the plant pots A, B, C...J in order in a row.
Have the children take turns picking a flower from the floor and holding it up and showing you which letter is on the flower and then have them match it to the matching letter on the flower pot and place the flower inside the flower pot, repeat with each child.
After they are done with this activity, teacher can mix up the flower pots and see if the children can help you get them back into the correct alphabetical order.
Story Time: Mrs. Ladybug & The Big Red Strawberry
Printable Story - Included In Lesson Plans
Print out the story “The Big Red Strawberry” and read it to the children. Instructions for making the book are included in the lesson plans.
Song/Rhyme: Who Took A Blue Flower?
You will need: The flower card file, cardstock paper, and a cloth bag or pillowcase.
Please Note: You will need to use the flower cards again on day 4 and day 5.
Print out the flower cards onto white cardstock paper and place all the flowers into a cloth bag and have the children take turns picking one flower from the bag, have them hold up the flower and then sing the song below.
Repeat for each child for each colored flower that he/she picks from the bag.
There are six flower cards for this activity. If you have more than six children in your group as soon as all six flowers have been removed from the bag, you will need to put them back into the bag and continue until everyone has had
a turn.
Tune to: {The Farmer in the Dell}
Ryan picked a flower,
Ryan picked a flower,
Hi–Ho the derry–oh, Ryan picked a blue flower!
Please Note: As you sing the song above, change the name Ryan in the song above to the child’s name that picks the flower from the bag and change the color of the blue flower to the color of the flower that he/she picks from the bag.
Art Time: Flower Seed & Flower Seed Packet Craft
You will need: White cardstock paper, seed and seed package file, crayons or markers.
Print out the seeds and the seed packet file onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper, you will need one set for each child.
Have the children color the seeds and the seed packet. Show the children how they
can drop their flower seeds into the flower seed package. Directions for making the seed packet will be in week 3 preschool flower lesson plans included in our May preschool curriculum.

Pre Reading: Broccoli Writing & Coloring Page
Review Letter B
Print out the broccoli writing and coloring page onto copy paper, print out one for each child.
Have the children color the picture, have the children practice writing their letter B by tracing the B’s at the bottom of the page.

Math: Pick The Sunflowers
Letter/Number: Pick The Sunflowers
You will need the sunflower print out, clear contact paper or clear packing tape, old fashioned clothespins (no springs), deck of cards, an egg carton and scissors.
Please Note: The sunflowers will be used again at special activity time today.
Egg Carton Directions: Teacher will need to turn the egg carton upside down and make a hole in the center of each egg cup.
Flower Directions: Print out the sunflowers onto white cardstock paper, print out two to three flowers per child. Cover the flowers completely with clear contact paper or clear packing tape and then cut them out. You will need old fashioned clothespins, the ones that don’t have a spring in them, and in the opening of the clothespin place the stem of the flower and tape it in there so it won’t move, repeat with each of the flower print outs.
Cards: You will need a deck of playing cards and take out all the numbers 2 – 4 from the deck, you will be using only the playing cards with the numbers 2 – 4 on them, shuffle the cards and lay them face down onto the floor.
Have the children sit in a circle around the cards and take turns picking a card from the floor.
Have them hold up the number they picked from the floor and tell you the number on the card and then have them pick that many sunflowers from the sunflower garden.
After all the flowers have been picked from the sunflower garden, have the children plant the sunflowers, by putting them back, have them pick a card and put the sunflowers back or plant them,
after all the sunflowers have been planted, then have them “pick the flowers again“. Repeat until everyone has had a turn. Help the children as needed.

Science/Discovery: Flower Seed Story & Flower Game
Before the game print out The Flower Seed Story and read the story to the children. This printable story is a short educational story for young children that explains
to the children that to grow a flower you first need a flower seed and the flower seed needs soil, water and sunshine to grow.

Next, have the children play the flower game and the first child to get all four items that the flower seed needs to grow into a flower will be the winner.
Flower Game Directions: The children will need to collect all four items (seed circle, soil circle, water circle and the sun circle) to win, place the pictures around the flower on the circles.
Print out the flower game and flower game pieces onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper you will need to print out one flower game board per child. There are enough flower game pieces on each page for 2 children, print out enough flower game pieces for all the children.
Lay the flower game pieces face down onto the floor. Give each child a game board and show them the four circles on the game board and explain that in each circle is what the flower seed needs to grow into a flower. Tell them that they need one of each picture and as they collect the pictures they will match them up to the pictures on their game board, if they pick the same picture twice they need to put the duplicate picture back, face down onto the floor, and then the next child will take his turn, the first child to collect all four items is the winner.

Physical Activity/ Gross Motor: Hokey Pokey Flower
Tune to Hokey Pokey Traditional Song
You put your flower in,
You take your flower out,
You put your flower in
And you wave it all about,
You do the flower dance
And you turn yourself about, that’s what it’s all about!
Repeat the song a few times.
Directions: You will need the flowers from day 2 special activity time,
print out more flowers if needed; you will need one flower for each child.
Have the children use the flowers with the song above. Have the children act out the movements in the song.
Special Activity: Plant The Sunflowers
You will need: Sturdy plastic plant pots, or sturdy plastic containers, sunflower clothespins from letter/number time, sand table with oatmeal or rice (for pretend sand).
You will need the sunflower clothespins from letter/number time today.
Place the flowers into the sand table along with some sturdy plastic flower pots or sturdy plastic containers {such as yogurt cups} and show the children how to put some sand (oatmeal or rice) into their flower pot and then stick a flower inside. Children love this fun sensory activity!
If you do not have a sand table you can provide each of the children with a dishpan with a small amount of oatmeal (for pretend sand) and have them play with the flowers in the sand table.
Outside Sandbox? If you have an outside sandbox you may want take the flowers, sturdy plastic flowerpots and spoons (pretend shovels) outside. Children love being outside and what a fun way to spend their time outside by playing in the sand and learning about flowers!
September Preschool Curriculum Includes:
4 Weeks Of Lesson Plans, 4 Calendars, 4 Posters & Printable Pages!
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