Day 5
Circle Time:
Fun With Ducks
You will need: Water table or dishpans or some type of sturdy plastic container to hold water that’s toddler safe, sturdy toy nets, and rubber ducks.
Read the story �One Duck Stuck� by Phyllis Root, if you don't own this book, you may be able to borrow it from your local library.
Activity: Show the children how to catch the ducks with a toy net or you can use a slotted spoon.
You will need a water table or some dishpans with water in them, set this up inside or outside, only put an inch or two of water and closely supervise the children any time they are near water, children can drown in a small amount of water.
You may want to put water smocks onto the children. Put some rubber ducks into the water table and have the children take turns using the toy nets to catch the ducks in the water table or dishpans.
Six Little Ducks
You will need: Duck file (6 little ducks and mommy duck), yellow cardstock paper, Velcro, felt board.
Six little ducks
(Place all six baby ducks on felt board)
Went swimming one day over the waves and far away
(Remove the ducks.)
Momma duck quacked (hold up momma duck) Come back, come back
But only five little ducks came swimming back.
(Put five ducks back on the felt board.)
Repeat: With 5, 4, 3, 2 little ducks and then continue with the next line below.
One little duck went swimming one day over the waves and far away. Mommy duck quacked come back, come back, but no little ducks came back.
Sad, sad mommy duck quacked again, (hold up mommy duck)
Come back, come back, please come back.
And all six little ducks came swimming back! (show all six ducks again)
Directions: Print out the six little ducks and mommy duck onto cardstock paper, attach some Velcro onto the backs of the pictures and as you recite the poem above, place the ducks onto a felt board.
Art Time:
Duck Stuck In The Mud
You will need: Duck file, white cardstock paper, sturdy paper plate, brown paint, yellow and orange crayons or markers and glue.
Give each child a sturdy paper plate; have them turn it upside down and paint it brown, set it aside to dry. Next, have the children color the duck yellow. You may want to have the older toddlers color the beak and feet of the duck orange.
Teacher will need to bend the feet of the duck so it will stand up and then have the children glue the duck to the mud (brown paper plate).
Learning Time:
Sort the Birds By Color
You will need: Two Kleenex boxes.
Print out the A, B, Y and Z animal letter match up onto white cardstock paper, print out two, one will be the game board and the cut apart pieces will be the game board pieces.
Have the children sort the brown owls and the yellow ducks. Place all the ducks and owls into a small cloth bag and have the children take turns picking a duck or owl from the bag.
Have them drop the yellow ducks into the Kleenex box that has a yellow duck on it or have them drop the brown owls into the Kleenex box that has a brown owl on it.
Kleenex Box Directions: Teacher will need two Kleenex boxes, and tape one owl to one Kleenex box and one yellow duck to the other Kleenex box and have the children sort the birds by color into the Kleenex boxes. Remove any plastic that may be on the Kleenex boxes.
Letter/Number Time:
Egg Color Match Up
You will need: A small cloth bag or pillowcase and some Easter eggs, if you do not have Easter eggs you can print out the egg file and color the eggs and use those instead, paper plates and construction paper or cardstock paper the same color as the eggs you are going to use.
To begin, you will need three to six paper plates, one paper plate for each colored egg you plan on using. You may want to use colors if you have a lot of younger toddlers; if you have a lot of older toddlers you may want to use more colors and use up to about six paper plates.
Cut out a circle from construction paper, to match the color of each egg being used. You will need a small plate to use as a pattern to cut out the circles, place the plate upside down onto the paper and trace around it and then cut it out. After you have cut out the circles, tape or glue each of the circles onto each of the paper plates, so you have one color on each plate.
Special Activity:
Shake The Seeds
You will need: One clean water or soda bottle per child and birdseeds per child and tacky glue.
Activity: Have the children shake their seeds along with the song above (song will be in lesson plans not shown on free sample). Have them repeat the song and shake their seed bottles.
Shaker Bottle Directions: You will need one small plastic water or soda bottle per child. Teacher will need to place some bird seeds into each water or soda bottle, you will need one bottle per child. (Teacher will need to glue covers onto the bottles with tacky glue.)
Safety Note: Be sure to check the bottles often and make sure the covers are glued on securely.