*** Please Note ***
Daycare forms may appear fuzzy as I had to make them very small to place them onto my website to give you an idea of what they look like.
Brouchure Side One
This is the outside of the brochure, it has a blank middle, so you can tri fold the brochure and enter a mailing address into the middle area of the blank area on the tri fold.
Brouchure Side Two
This is the inside of brochure. This brochure can be edited, just download one of the MS Word, MS Works, Word Perfect
file and open it up in your word program and then change the fonts, colors, change the pictures, etc.
Birthday Present
This is one of my printable forms that you can print out and place on your bulletin board. I have one for each month. Just place it on your bulletin board and list the birthdays for that month. I also have a form for keeping track of each birthday for each month, you would list all the birthdays on one form and then print out the "Printable Birthday Present" to list each child's birthday on it for the current month.
Click Here To view all the daycare forms that are for download. You can view the download page. You will not be able to download the files, until payment has been made, but you can view the download page, to see all the files that you can download.
Party Sign
This is a sign you can post on your door or bulletin board to remind parents that you are having a daycare party. I also have other party signs for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day And Bunny, Chick & Lamb .
Colorful Receipt
Use this form when the parents need a receipt for a check or for a cash payment .
Hours Sign
Make sure everyone knows what time you open and close . Post this cute sign on your door or bulletin board.
Click Here To view all the daycare forms that are for download. You can view the download page. You will not be able to download the files, until payment has been made, but you can view the download page, to see all the files that you can download.
Out Sign
Going outside or for a walk ? Post this cute sign on the front door to let parents know where you are and what time you will be back.
Art Area Sign
Make sure everyone notices your centers or different areas of play for the children. This is my art center sign for you to hang in your art area, where the children color, paint, use markers. Just print it out on card stock paper, you can purchase card stock paper at Wal-Mart. You will also be able to download the Book Center, Block Center, Dress Up Center and Dramatic Play Center Signs.
Preschool Report
This is my Daily Preschool Report. You can print the daily report to give to your parents, show your parents what a fun day their child is having in your daycare. There is also an infant and toddler daily report that you can print out and use as often as needed in your daycare.
Click Here To view all the daycare forms that are for download. You can view the download page. You will not be able to download the files, until payment has been made, but you can view the download page, to see all the files that you can download.
Happy Birthday Card
Print this adorable birthday card out for the Birthday Child . This one is for the baby just turning 1! There is also one available for child turning two, three, four and five .
A great way to advertise you daycare is by displaying a poster at the laundry mat, doctors office, grocery stores, library , and at the mall. Just print out the "blank" poster and all the yellow circles are blank and you can just write in your own information with a fine point marker; such as ages 1 – 6, stories & songs, preschool program, small group, or anything else you want to point out that is special about your daycare.
Starting a daycare ?
Already have a daycare but need to advertise?
A great way to advertise you daycare is by displaying flyers in your neighborhood, just write your phone number on the bottom of the flyer. There are three different flyers on my download page to print out and use. If you have MS Word, Works or WordPerfect, you can just click the words on the flyers to edit them.
*** Please Note ***
Daycare forms may appear fuzzy as I had to make them very small to place them onto my website to give you an idea of what they look like.
Daily Schedule
Print out the eye catching weekly schedule. Post it where your parents will see it. Show your parents all the different activities their child experiences throughout the day, such as circle time, art activities, out side time, story time and other activities.
Food Menu
This is one of my weekly food menu's. This one is set up for Breakfast, Lunch and Snack. You can type into the form what you are going to serve the children for the week, and then just simply print out the menu and post on your bulletin board for your daycare parents to see what their child is having for meals. There are other daycare menus to download also, some with breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, one menu is done in black and white and there is also a food program menu .
Click Here To view all the daycare forms that are for download. You can view the download page. You will not be able to download the files, until payment has been made, but you can view the download page, to see all the files that you can download.
Parent's Handbook
Print out my parent's handbook, use as is, or edit it to fit the needs of your daycare. My handbook is 16 pages long. It covers everything from A – Z. On the download page you will find instructions for printing out and putting together the parent's handbook .
Daycare Contract
Print out the contract and use as it or it can be easily customized to fit the needs of your daycare. My daycare contract covers important issues ; such as what days their child will attend, hours he/she will attend, that we are closed on Holidays and we get paid for holidays, weekly fee is due regardless of attendance, bounced check fee, two week notice, and other pertinent information.
*** Please Note ***
Daycare forms may appear fuzzy as I had to make them very small to place them onto my website to give you an idea of what they look like.
Daycare Attendance Booklet
Print out my daily attendance forms and daily attendance cover. On the download page you will find instructions for printing out and making the attendance booklet . The booklet is used daily to keep track of the children's attendance.
Minor Injury Report
Print out my minor injury report. If a child is hurt while in your care, you need to protect yourself, and write down exactly what happened and when. If your state worker ask you about the injury, you can pull out the report, to refresh your memory, and this way it is all documented exactly what happened. Fill out this form and keep it in your child's file folder. On my download page, you can learn how to put together file folders for each child, just print out the file folder index on the download page and follow the instructions for making the folders.
Parent's Invoice
This is a picture of one of the parent's invoices we have to download. We also have another type of invoice that has (three) to a page. Just print these out and cut apart. There is also an invoice register that you can print out to track the invoices that have been given out.
*** Please Note ***
Daycare forms may appear fuzzy as I had to make them very small to place them onto my website to give you an idea of what they look like.
Car Maintenance Report
Print out my car maintenance report. This is one of my bookkeeping
forms. You will need to track all of your car expenses because you can claim all of your business miles. If your car
is used for personal and business use you can still claim a percentage of maintenance that you have done each year on
your car, as long as you have tracked both the personal and business miles to show to your tax accountant. Make sure you keep all your car receipts, gas receipts, oil receipts, car repair bills, etc.
Click The Shapes Above
For More Information

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Daycare Kit – $25.00
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150+ Daycare Forms
Start Your Own Daycare e-book
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Print Out Everything In The Picture Above
Daycare Organizer Cover
Parent/Provider Contract
Start Your Own Daycare e-Book
Attendance Booklet
Parent's Handbook
Daycare Poster
Plus Receive over 150 Daycare Forms!
Copy Forms To A CD To Use Over & Over
Click Here
To Purchase
Did You Know ?
That there is a big demand for daycare. Over 50% of children under five years of age, are cared for by someone, other than their parent.
Thinking about starting your own daycare? Now is the time to start your own daycare! The demand for child care is on the rise. Many experts expect to find more mothers, will be outside their home working, due to inflation and to the high divorce rate. And I'm sure you will agree that one pay check just doesn't go as far as it used to.
How many children can you watch? You can usually start out watching two children plus your own until you get licensed. Once you become licensed you can generally watch between six and twelve children. The requirement for how many children you can watch often depends on how much space you have, the ages of the children and if you are watching the children by yourself or with a helper.
What is the best way to advertise my daycare? The best way to advertise your daycare is by word of mouth. You need to let all your freinds and neighbors know that you are now "taking on children" to watch in your home daycare. It doesn't take long for people to notice you are watching children and slowly the word will spread that you are now running a daycare. Im sure you will agree that having a freind tell you "Mary is now running a daycare you should call her"is the best way to attract more customers. But what if that isn't enough? I have a lot of useful information in my daycare guide on advertising and attracting more customers. Once you read my chapter on advertising im sure you will think to yourself, Oh! I need to do this right now! I can't believe I never though of that!
What About Toys & Equipment? Check out yard sales and second hand shops If you do not have any toys or books on hand that you can use then you should "Start Now" checking out yard sales, garage sales and second hand shops or second time around stores for toys and baby equipment. Some items to watch for would be:
Books & Small Toys |
Playpens or Pack & Plays |
High Chairs |
Changing Table |
Child Sized Table and Chairs |
Outside Slide for your daycare |
Felt Board |
Chalk Board |
Plus any other items you see that you feel you will need for your daycare |
What About New Items? When your daycare starts bringing in a nice income then you may want to buy some newer equipment and toys. But if you want to save money, you should still try and find most of the items that you need from the second hand stores. Or you may want to shop around and see what you can find on sale, check out the sale flyers, search on the internet. Another solution would be to put up a note (Please Donate) on your front door of items that you need for you daycare, some of your daycare parents may have these items at home and are no longer using them.
Daycare Kit
Start Your Own Daycare e-Book
How long does it take to get licensed? Getting a license can be a long and stressful procedure. My start your own daycare e-book will guide you through the steps and will help you get your license quickly. My start your own daycare e-book has a lot of useful information, including:
Is there a need for daycare in my area?
Who do I call to get my daycare application?
How many children can I watch? |
How much do I charge? |
How do I advertise? |
What kinds of toys do I need? |
My daycare guide will answer these questions and many others!
How Much Should I Charge ? First you need to decide what ages and what hours you are going to work? Depending on the hours you decide to work and the ages you decide to watch will help you to decide what to charge. The first thing you would need to do, is to find out what others in your area are charging. My daycare guide will help you figure out what to charge your daycare clients for daycare.
Daycare Flyer
Can I Find Customers ? Once you get licensed you will need to start attracting customers! A great way to advertise your daycare is by displaying a flyer in your neighborhood, just hang up at the laundry mat, doctors office, grocery stores, libray, and at the mall. I have three cute flyers available for download in my daycare forms, just write your phone number on the bottom of the flyer. There are three different flyers on my download page to print out and use. If you have MS Word, Works or WordPerfect, you can just click the words on the flyers to edit them.

Brochure Side 1 And Side 2
Marketing Your Daycare Print out the brochure above and send to prospective clients. The picture above shows both the front and back side of my daycare brochure. Just print out the brochure and tri-fold it, there is a blank area on side one to put in the mailing address. This is a great way to advertise your daycare. My start your own daycare guide will help you advertise your daycare with lots of valuable information on advertising and marketing your daycare.
Parent Interviews ? Over The Phone And In Person Your first encounter with a potential daycare parent will probably be over the telephone. This will be their first impression of you. Make sure you sound confident. You can print out my telephone interview log and have it next to the telephone when parents call. Just read down through the questions and write down their answers. If this goes well, you will need to set up a time to meet with the parents. Make sure you set up a convient time for both of you!
What Type Of Program Do You Have?? Most parents will want to know, what will my child be doing all day? Most parents do not want their child sat in front of the television. Most parents want a fun, safe, environment but at the same time they want their child envolved in a
home daycare program which teaches them and guides them through their early stages of development. Most parents want their child getting outside, having free play, plus getting ready for school. You may want to think about starting a morning program to help teach the children in your care. My start your own daycare e-book does offer information on games and Activities that you can do with your daycare children. For more advanced activities please see below:
Toddler or Preschool Curriculum I also offer a toddler or preschool curriculum program. Which is sold seperately. You can click here to view my preschool curriculum or click here to view my toddler curriculum, these items are sold seperately and are not included in the daycare kit.
Purchase My Daycare Kit Today ! NEW – Order with a credit card and right after payment is made, you can start downloading the daycare forms, PLUS instantly download the start your own daycare e-book, so you can get started right away!
Download within minutes after payment is made with credit card.
Daycare Contract
What About Daycare Forms ? You should have a contract and all your daycare policy's available for each parent. Before you begin watching children in your home, you should have a contract, a parents handbook, permission slips for taking the children on field trips, in your car for errands, medical emergency forms, plus others. You should have a parents handbook which will point out all your policies and procedures. I have a well written parent's hand book you can use or edit to fit the needs of your daycare. You can print out my parent's handbook from my website. You will also want the parents to sign a contract. I have a contract you can use or edit for your daycare needs. On my daycare forms download page, I have information for setting up a file for each of your daycare children, I also have information for putting together the parents handbook and I also have information on tracking the childrens daily attendance and I also show you how to make a daily attendance booklet, plus a forms booklet. You will not find such cute forms for this LOW PRICE any where else on the web. Plus all the valuable information of making the handbooks, attendance booklets, etc. All this valuable information is just a click away. Click below to get started right away!
Click Here – To Purchase
Daycare Hours Sign
What Are Your Daycare Hours? Post your daycare hours. Make sure eveyone knows what time you open and close. The cute poster above can be printed out from my daycare forms download page and hung where everyone can see it. Just fill in the time you open and close with a marker.
Conflicts ? My daycare kit will point out ways to handle conflicts. When problems do arise you will be glad you have a parents handbook pointing out your procedures and policys. This will usually stop a lot of problems before they begin. Getting along with the parents can be one your biggest issues. I have learned that many problems can and will arise between the provider and the parent(s). If parents realize ahead of time what your rules and procedures are then you can stop some conflicts before they start. Once they read through your handbook they will have a greater understanding of your philosophies and what your rules are. My handbook covers other issues such as a sick child, holidays, toilet training, bounced checks, late payment, and so much more.
Parent's Handbook
Can I edit the parent's handbook? Yes, you can edit the parent's handbook, the contract and most of the other daycare forms. You can not edit the poster type forms, such as the center signs. Once the daycare kit is purchased you can instantly download my parents handbook along with the daycare contract PLUS a ton of other forms. You can edit the parents handbook to change the hours of your operation, the prices that you charge, or any other pertinent information that you would like to add or change. On my daycare forms download page, you will find information for printing out the parents handbook cover and the parents handbook and putting these all together to make the handbook.
Daycare Records? Keeping your records straight can be a nightmare. I have learned some simple tips to keep my records easily organized and I will show you how to easily organize your daycare records. You need good bookkeeping forms to help you organize your daycare records. I have some really nice bookkeeping forms to keep you organized. You do not have to be a bookkeeper to keep accurate records and to be organized. I will show you how to achieve this. My daycare kit has a wealth of information. Lots of tips on dealing with parents, discipline, early or late arrival, plus information on how to run your program smoothly, to keeping all your records organized.
Children's Files? Set Up A File Folder For Each Child You will need to organize your daycare records for each of the children. You should have a file folder for each child, and keep all their information inside each one. My daycare kit will show you how to set up a file folder for each child. Just print out my file folder index and glue inside each file folder, the rest of the instructions are on my daycare forms download page. When the licensor comes to your house you want to be able to produce the children's records and have them all up to date. You do not want to be running all over the house looking for them. Your state licensor can pop in at any time and you do not always know when their coming. My daycare kit will give you tips on how to keep the children's records all up to date and how to store the records so you can easily find them.
Emergency Telephone Numbers? Print out my emergency telephone numbers daycare form. Once you purchase my daycare kit, you can print out my emergency telphone numbers form plus many other useful forms. If a child gets hurt you don't want to be "thinking, where did I put his file". You should know instantly where each childs record is and how to quickly locate each childs telephone number and his parents work number. If an emergency comes up, you may not have time to "hunt for records" you will need to be organized and know where everything is. My daycare kit will give you tips and information on becoming organized.
What about disclipine? My daycare kit will go over positive guidance Children are going to act up during the day or they wouldn't be normal. You need to make sure the children are not going to hurt themselves or someone else. But you do not want to yell or over react to the children. You need to teach them through positive reinforcement. Guide them with positive actions. My daycare guide will go over positive discipline to help you learn how to approch the children when they are standing on chairs, throwing sand, running inside, hitting, etc.
Art Center Sign
What Are Learning Centers? Learning Centers are usually a small area of your house or a small box or shelf where you have placed certain items for a specific area of learning. Such as; placing books on a shelf, this would be your book area or book center. A center can be a large area such as your outside play area or a small area such as a dish pan set up with some art items and set up on a small table, this would be your art area or art center. Some people set up shelves and designate certain areas on the shelves for certain learning areas. You may want a math area to help teach the children how to to count, or have them learn to sort or have them learn other math activities or a pre reading area where you would place some alphabet cards or a sound box or other pre reading activities. "Quality daycare's" have learning centers or area's set up for the children. These centers don't have to be anything bigj ust a small area where you will keep some books, and another area where you will keep some blocks. If you notice most of the time that the children crawl up on the couch to look at books then place a few books in a small stand by the couch and this will become your book center. Most home daycares have a block center, art center, music center, book center, dramatic play center, and a few others which are discussed in my daycare kit e-book. My e-book will go over each center and different items you can place into each center. I also have center signs that you can print out and display to show your parents where each center is located in your home. One of the center signs is displayed above, this is the art center sign.
Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule Print out and display my daily schedule. You can edit the form and change the hours and Activities as needed. My daycare kit will help you set up a daily schedule. You can print out my daily schedule above (I had to shrink it and its fuzzy on here), once you print out the form, normal size, it will not be fuzzy. My daily schedule will give you idea's for setting up your daily schedule. You can think about what time you will serve meals, read stories,
plan art activities, go outside, put the children down for naps, etc. My daycare kit will
come with all the forms you will need to start and manage your business. My daycare kit will keep your business running smoothly.
Daycare Waiting List Now is the time to start up. Space is limited. Some daycares even have one-year waiting lists or longer. Let your love for children and your dream to be your own boss become a reality. Start your own new, exciting career. My Daycare kit will help you to take your dream of starting a home daycare out of the mist and into the "Newly Opening Daycare Has Openings!!" That could be your ad running in tomorrow’s paper. You will get samples of ads that I have I have placed in the newspaper and had all my spots filled within a few days!! Some ads don't catch parents eyes if their are other daycare ads running at the same time. You want your ad to STAND OUT! Grab their attention and
get them to call you first! Make sure you sound confident and professional when you receive phone calls from potential customers. Keep your rate sheet taped by the telephone or on a clip board. My daycare guide will go over what to charge the parents and I even have a daycare rate sheet in my daycare forms that you can edit to change the prices to fit the needs of your daycare. Just print it out and have it handy for when the parents start calling you.
Be prepared! Present a professional image. My daycare kit will show you how I keep my rate sheet and other material quickly assessible for when parents call. I will show you which forms to print out and where to place them to be ready for when your first clients start calling. Make sure you sound professional and not hesitant. You need to have all pertinent information about your daycare at your fingertips. My e-book will give you sound advice on having all your forms ready and practical tips on how to store all your information. My daycare kit will go over the different types of learning centers you can make and have throughout your house and how to set these up. When new clients come by for an interview, point out the learning centers to the parents. Have their child use the centers, let them see how their child will grow and develop from your program.
You need to keep accurate records. Opening and running a daycare is just like any other business. You need to have records on all your children and all the forms need to be up to date! Protect yourself and the children in your care by using the the correct authorization and permission forms. My Daycare Forms offer authorization and written agreements between yourself and your daycare families.
Be Successful ! My daycare guide will help you get started right away and help you to keep your daycare running smoothly and successfully.
My daycare kit offers lots of tips on dealing with parents,
discipline, nap time, television or not?, etc. Plus helps you find out how to get licensed, to
setting up your house for daycare, to finding customers, and getting all the paper work done
and ORGANIZED! Best of all my e-book has all the information you will need to help you to figure out what you
should charge, idea's on how to set up your home, plan weekly menus, idea's on marketing your
daycare, plus so much more. My daycare kit is a
great reference guide that will help you get your child care business off the ground and help
you become a daycare provider.
Need Help Setting Up Your Daycare ? My daycare kit e-book will guide you through the process of setting up and running your own daycare
program. My daycare forms can be edited as you need to modify them as your daycare changes. You will probably start off with siz children but in years to come you may decide to do twelve. In the future, if you decide to watch more children you will find my employee forms very beneficial.
Is daycare for you ? My daycare e-book will help you decide if a home daycare is for you. Plus it will give you the information on how to get licensed, to planning quick nutrious meals, to offering the children fun games and learning activities, information on keeping your daycare records and advice on tracking your income and expenses, plus information on deciding on what type of insurance to get. My daycare guide will help get started quickly. My information will help guide you to a successful business career.
Be your own boss! Becoming a Daycare Provider means you will now be your own "Boss". You will be running your own business and setting your own hours. You can also make this a wonderful opportunity by having a positive influence on the lives of young children in your home.
Is there a need for daycare in your area? My daycare guide has a lot of information on starting your own daycare. From finding out if there is a need for daycare in your area, to deciding if you can make a living doing daycare plus other things to consider before starting your own Daycare. You will also get the link to individual State requirements for ALL 50 states. This will give you the necessary information you will need to the rules and regualations for your state. My start your own daycare e-book will help you get licensed, give you ideas on how to advertise your Daycare. You will also get access to over 150 daycare forms including my handbook & contract, to use as they are or to change them to fit the needs of your daycare, plus many other forms which are listed below!
Daycare is a profession and should not be taken lightly. You will need to decide it you can devote a big part of your day making sure the children in your daycare get Quality care. This will mean spending time searching for new ideas and resources, and updating educational techniques. There is not a lot of money to be made in daycare but the well being of the children can be so rewarding. If you have children of your own you get to stay home with your children while making a postive impact on the lives of other children. This is why many daycare providers choose home daycare as a profession so they can be home with their children while they earn an income. This is one of the positive aspects about being a having a home daycare business.
Daily Routine Print out my daily schedule and use as a guide in determining your daily routine. The more prepared you are for what lies ahead the better job you will do. Knowing what needs to be done on a daily basis and having a daily schedule will help your day run much smoother. Children who know what to excpect on a daily basis are much happier.
I hope to be able to offer you as much information as possible to get you started and to point out what to expect each day. You will have all the information you need at your fingertips and you have all your policys and procedures printed out. You will know how to make a daily menu, have ideas on fun Activities for the children, and know how to disclipine the children in a positive manner, print out the forms you will need, parents handbook, contracts, my daily schedule, learn how to set rates, advertise your daycare, plus so much more.
Customizable Daycare Forms ! My forms can be edited. They are done in MS Word, MS Works and Word perfect, Use the files as is, or you can change the the forms as needed. PLUS instantly download the start your own daycare e-book, so you can get started right away!
What If I Don't Have MS Word, MS Works or Word perfect? If you do not have the word programs listed, you can still access the forms, by downloading the pdf files that we have with the free adobe acrobat reader. The pdf files can not be edited, and would need to be used as is. You need to have one of the word programs mentioned above to be able to edit the forms. Or you can download the MS Word – free word viewer from microsoft – to open the files and then "copy and paste" the forms into your own word processor to edit them.
Please Note: All the MS Word, MS Works and Word Perfect files are customizable; You can change the words, font size, color, or add your own pictures. PLUS instantly download the start your own daycare e-book, so you can get started right away!
Cute Printable Forms Click Here to see the complete list of the files you can download. We now have over 150 Daycare forms to download. We have Menus, Party Signs, Holiday Signs, Contract, Parent's Handbook, Invoices, Receipts, Infant, Toddler and Preschool Reports, Center Signs, Brochure, Flyers, plus many other daycare forms.
Instructions! We now offer instructions on putting together your own parents handbook, making a daily attendance booklet and we show you how to set up files for each of your daycare children. You will find this information on the daycare forms download page.
Daycare Forms
Daycare forms for instant download. Download MS Word, MSWorks or WordPerfect Daycare Forms Today. All the forms are customizable. See the partial list of daycare forms below. Order today, and start downloading now!
Bookkeeping Forms
Daycare forms for instant download. Download MS Word, MSWorks or WordPerfect Daycare Forms Today. All the forms are customizable. See the partial list of daycare forms below. Order today, and start downloading now!
Employee Forms
Daycare forms for instant download. Download MS Word, MSWorks or WordPerfect Daycare Forms Today. All the forms are customizable. See the partial list of daycare forms below. Order today, and start downloading now!
Posters & Daycare Signs
New Printable Forms
below are mainly the posters and daycare signs to print out for your daycare. Most of the forms below are pdf files. PDF files are not customizable.
You will need the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the pdf files. See the partial list of daycare forms below. Order now and start downloading today !
Testimonials From Daycare Providers!
just wanted to take a minute to let you know how much I like your
Daycare products. I am always skeptical of products
that promise a lot. However, your products made it possible for me
to set up a home daycare business. We really needed the second source of income.
I love being home with my kids and still making an income. I love my NEW DAYARE BUSINESS!! Thank
you for creating such an excellent product."
– Kelli - Boston, MA
Daycare Starter-Kit has a lot of useful information.
After reading your e-book I am now in the process of opening my own
daycare business. I am using your advise on how to get started. I recommend this package to anyone
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kit is very useful."
– Shelly - Seattle, WA
"I just had to e-mail you and thank you your daycare kit!! It is great. I was worried at first about ordering online, but I am so glad I did. I received the e-mail with the username and password within a few seconds after ordering, I was amazed! The forms are wonderful!! I love how I can change anything on the forms, I wasn't sure before ordering the forms if I could edit the forms, and put on my own dayare logo and save them to a CD, I was so relieved when I found I could do all these things. I am still reading the start your own daycare e-book, and am jotting down notes on "things to remember"! Thank
you so much for offering your products online!."
– Vivian - Portland, ME
"I was very happy with your daycare kit, I was worried about ordering the daycare kit as a download, as I have never ordered anything like this before and do not use the computer that much. I called your 1 800 after ordering to get help on downloading my order, and the girl on the phone was so nice and helpful, I learned how to download my order within a few minutes and actually printed out my contract and parent's handook within a few minutes, all the hard work is done for me, this is truly a great find! Thanks so much for your help and wonderful service!!"
– Anna - ST. Louis, MI

Print Out Today !!
Daycare Kit – $25.00
Instant Download
150+ Daycare Forms
Start Your Own Daycare e-Book
Download – Right After Purchase

Print Out Everything In The Picture Above
Daycare Organizer Cover
Parent/Provider Contract
Start Your Own Daycare e-Book
Attendance Booklet
Parent's Handbook
Daycare Poster
Plus Receive over 150 Daycare Forms!
Copy Forms To A CD To Use Over & Over
Click Here
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