View Preschool Curriculum Sample 1 January – Teddy Bear Week
View Preschool Curriculum Sample 2 February – Valentine’s Week
View Preschool Curriculum Sample 3 March – St. Patrick’s Week
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I teach preschool and have looked over a lot of curriculums. This curriculum has everything included. It's so hard to find circle time activities with art and a learning program all wrapped up into one program. I am very impressed! I would highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in teaching children. Melissa – California
I love your program. I was worried at first about downloading, I am not very good with a computer, I called for help and the girl on the phone was so nice and helpful! She taught me how to download it in just a few minutes. I should have ordered it a lot sooner! Valerie – Florida
Got it! Thank you very much. I love your curriculums very much. They make my life so much easier. Beverly C. Massachusetts
I bought two months of lesson plans today on sale, I purchased the September and October preschool lesson plans and I couldn't get my October password to work. I called your company and the girl on the phone quickly looked up my order and gave me the password, she also explained to me how I get one password for each item I order, I thought the first password I saw worked for both months, now I know the 2nd password is listed further down in the email, I didn't know I had to scroll down to see both passwords, it was great to have a real person answer the phone and help me immediately with my problem.
I started printing out the materials and I must say everything looks great, can't wait to try this out tommorrow ! Nicole B. – Colorado
Thanks for the supply list. Before, each time I purchased a month of lesson plans I had to call to request the supply list, the girl on the phone told me that you were getting ready to update and add the supply list to the download pages, I just noticed that they have been added to your website, thanks so much, I really appreciate the extra work to get these made for us!
Sally D. From Texas
PS Do you have a guestbook or somewhere for people to give feedback on your program. I think it's absolutely fabulous and so do the children in my care!! Sandy B. From Ontario, Canada
I love your curriculum by the way. It makes my life so much easier and my daycare so much better. It is wonderful thanks!
Layla R. – New York
Hi my name is Kim and I watch children in my home. I enjoy teaching and doing activities with the children I care for but it was always time consuming and tough to find a curriculum that was so suited for them. We used the March preschool curriculum for the first time and the kids responded to it so well.
Your program was exactly what I was looking for. This program has made my child care so much better. I have gotten a great response from the children's parents as well.
Kim S. – Virginia
I just needed to say what a great program the preschool curriculum is. I am a speech therapist in a special needs preschool and this curriculum has been a god send. It is easy to modify. There is so much you offer it is hard to decide what to do first. Thank you and I hope this offer continues. I have been telling as many people as I can about your website. Our school is thinking of purchasing the whole year!
Peg M. New Hampshire
I just wanted to tell you how much I love your lesson plans! My friend and I are using them to teach our 3 and 4 year old children. Our kids love the colorful pictures and fun themes.
We love how you have made it so simple to use. We have as much fun teaching, as the kids do learning. I especially enjoy the first few months that have been updated. I keep checking back to see if you will add more updates, can't wait for more!
Kind regards,
Alicia C. – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
This stuff is great and all my kids even the younger ones enjoy it, thanks again!
I just wanted to let you know how much I love your curriculum programs. They are awesome and my daycare kids love doing all the projects. Its so nice just taking the pages out for that day and having the children learn. You've made my and other daycare's job that much easier to enjoy!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Kathy D. From California
I did get it. Thanks. The kids really enjoyed the game of charades (we used the pictures we had and I will add the other pictures tomorrow.) Thanks again.
Kristy S. From Wisconsin
I have truly been blessed by your business thus far. It's only been a day and my kids love it. You have made my job so much easier and fun. Continue to do what you do. God bless.
Shannon M. – Maryland
I purchased your September curriculum and my kids learned so much, I am very excited about using your curriculum. I had to purchase the first month on my own and I have been showing the director of my school all the great materials you provide and she decided to purchase the year of preschool, it arrived last week and she was very impressed! She is now going to look at your toddler program. Very happy teacher from New York!!
Carol B. From New York
Love the updates! I received your email about the new updates and how the calendars are being done now in word so we can edit them, I like how I can change the calendar and put in someones birthday or a field trip, or change an activity if I want to!
Sharon M. – Washington
I just want to tell you how much your plans have saved my life!!!! I live in Europe and teach 3-4 years olds in a British School but atleast 70% are biligual or have no English. I had to write my own curriculum last year, it would take hours ( I have two kids myself, so it really was not ideal) My head teacher loves the plans and so do the parents. It has made me a very happy and competent teacher which in turn has made the children really happy and they are learning so much! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! A very satisfied customer
Jenny Streit From Switzerland
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