One Day Sample – From Our May Curriculum
Toddler Lesson Plans
May Week 3
Letter I – Number 3
Shape – Circle, Color – Yellow
Flower Week
Day 4
Circle Time:
Help Mr. Farmer Find The Flowers
You will need: Egg carton and sunflowers from Day 3
All the flowers have disappeared from the flower garden, can you help Mr. farmer find his flowers? Have the children look around the room and as they find the flowers bring them back and put them into the egg carton (flower garden).
There Are Bugs On The Flowers
Tune to: "The Farmer in the dell"
There are bugs on the flowers, bugs on the flowers,
Hi ho the Derry oh, there are bugs on the flowers.
Shoo those bugs away, shoo those bugs away
Hi ho the Derry oh, shoo those bugs away!
Sing the song to the children, as you sing the words shoo those bugs away, move you hand like your shooing a bug away, encourage the children to move their hands with you, to pretend they are shooing the bugs away.
Art Time:
Colorful Flower Craft
You will need: Large flower print out (black and white file), copy paper, crayons or markers and circle stickers.
Print out one large flower and use as a pattern in cutting out each child one large flower, have the children color the flower and then stick on circle stickers to make a large colorful flower, make sure to use the word �circle� while they are putting the circle stickers onto their flowers.
Learning Time:
Flower Color Match Up
Print out two sets of each of the flower color match up games. There are 2-flower color match up games.One card will be the game board. The other set will be cut apart to be the game cards. Print these out onto heavy paper such as white card stock paper for best.results.
Have the children match the flower cards to the matching flowers on the game board.
Circle Flower Worksheet
You will need circle flower worksheet, circle stickers, and crayons.
Special Activity:
Plant The Sunflowers
You will need: Sturdy plastic plant pots, or sturdy plastic containers, sunflowers from Day 3, sand table with Oatmeal or rice (for pretend sand)
Place the flowers into the sand table along with some sturdy plastic flower pots or sturdy plastic container such as a yogurt cups and show the children how to put some sand (oatmeal or rice) into their flower pot and then stick the flower in.
If you do not have a sand table you can provide each of the children with a dishpan with a small amount of oatmeal (for pretend sand) and have them play with the flowers in the dishpan or sand table.
Outside Sandbox?
If you have an outside sandbox you may want to have the children take the flowers and the sturdy plastic flowerpots and spoons (pretend shovels) outside and do this activity outside today!