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May Infant Curriculum – $15.00
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Four Weeks Of Lesson Plans!!
May Infant Curriculum
9 – 12 Months
Print Out Today
Parents & Babies Love The Program!
Crab Story Print Out Story
Sort The Yellow Balls Color Theme
Teddy Bears Fun Activity
Colorful Worms Sensory Bag
Printable Pages & Activities
View Some of May's Infant Curriculum – Printable Pages & Activities
Some of our activities require you to print out files while some of our other activities will have you making the "hands on" learning activities from household items such as water bottles, toilet paper rolls, milk cartons (cardboard ones) or purchase some items from walmart such as a glue gun, cardstock paper, contact paper, clear packing tape to make the fun learning games and activities for the different months that are purchased!
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Fun With Colors Color Week Theme
Teddy Bear For Teddy Bear Week
Sort The Birds Muffin Tin
Fun With Easter Eggs & Egg Cartons
Our May Infant Curriculum Includes
Five Days Per Week
Language Development, Group Time, Art/Sensory Time, Play Time, Learning Time
Plus! The words to songs or rhymes for each days theme!
May's Weekly Calendar
Infants – Ages 9 to 12 Months
Color Theme Week
May Week 2
Daily Activities |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Teaching Picture |
Color Red
Color Blue
Color Black
Color Yellow
Color Green
Today’s Music: You will need to have your own music CD's or borrow from the library |
Soft Rock
Lullaby Music
Easy Listening Music
Country Music
Classical Music
Language Development |
Red Lobster
Three Bluebirds Playing Peek-A-Boo!
Spidey, Spidey
Color Yellow Song
Three Little Frogs
Sign Language: |
Teddy Bear (review)
Help (review)
Book (review)
Stop (review)
Flower (review)
Song/Rhyme: Words to songs or rhymes |
Open, Shut Them
Bluebird Is Singing
There Is A Spider On The Hose
Where, Oh Where Has My Ducky Gone?
I Saw A Little Froggy
Group Activitiy: |
Falling Blocks
Fun With Blue Rings
Hair Scrunches
Sort The Balls
Catch A Frog & Friends
Play Time: |
Sticky Blocks
Drop The Rings
Black Cats
Lots Of Colors – Sorting Fun
Hair Rollers On Green Felt
Sensory/Learning Time:
Red Bird Story
Fun with Mittens
Sticky Fun
Lots Of Yellow Balls
Drop The Ants Into The Cup
Forehead & Cheeks
Chin & Ears
Song/Rhyme: Words to songs or rhymes |
Red Lobster
The Blue birds Go Flying One By One
Itsy Bitsy Spider
This little Ducky Went To The Market
Two Little Frogs Hopping On The Bed
Print Out Activity Calendars
Receive Four Activity Calendars For Each Month Purchased
Instant access – $15.00 Per Month – Order Below!!
Please View Our One Day Free Sample – From Our April Curriculum.
Infants R Learning
Fun Time Activity Curriculum
Ages 9 to 12 Months
Daily Lesson Plans – Frog Theme
April Week 1
Teaching Picture:
Frog (Same picture as day 1)
On the download page you will find the printable pages and print out today’s teaching picture. Hold up or tape the picture to the wall in a location where the infants can see it.
Show the picture to the infants and tell them what is on the picture, the colors on the pictures, how many items are on the, etc, continue talking to baby about the picture, using your own words. Talking to baby is a good way to make a bond with the infants in your care, and help the infants feel calm and secure, plus infants enjoy listening to people talk to them and it actually helps to stimulate their brains.
Then refer to the language development below for more ideas on talking or singing to baby about today’s teaching picture.
Keep in Mind: Any and all printed material is not safe for babies or small children. So do not give any printouts to baby. These are for you to hold up or attach to the wall and an adult will show the pictures to baby.
Keep in Mind: Any and all printed material is not safe for babies or small children. So do not give any printouts to baby. These are for you to hold up or attach to the wall and an adult will show the pictures to baby.
Play Jazz music for the children today.
Please Note:
You can check at your local library and try to borrow some jazz music to play for the babies, if they do not have jazz music, try to select some different types of music to play for the children, such as; blues, classical, country, soft rock, etc.
Play the music softly throughout the day in the background and it would be nice to play it quietly during naptime also to help the children settle down to go to sleep and keep them sleeping with a soft back ground noise.
Language Development:
Hair & Arms, Legs & Toes
Adapted from Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes Song
Hair and arms, legs and toes, legs and toes, legs and toes.
Hair and arms, legs and toes, eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Sing the song slowly above to baby and gently touch each body part while you sing song. Do not touch baby’s eyes just put your fingers lightly on the side of baby’s face beside his eyes.
Sign Language:
Place thumb of one hand against forehead (fingers open) and tap thumb against forehead several times.
Need help with the daddy sign? Click the link in the lesson plans to view how to make the hand movements for the daddy sign.
Two Little Frogs
Two little Frogs went out one day over the hills and far away.
Daddy frog croaked come back, come back, but only one little frog came back, came back.
So daddy frog croaked once again come back, come back
and the other baby frog came hopping back.
Directions: Hold up two small toy frogs or print outs of frogs and hold them up as you recite the poem, each time you say the word “daddy” use the sign for daddy.
Group Activity:
Lilly Pads
You will need:
Frog Print Out
Cloth Hair Scrunches
Clear Contact Paper
Or Clear Packing Tape
You will need one frog (toilet paper frog) per child. Place several large cloth hair scrunches onto each toilet paper frog.
Give each child one of the toilet paper frogs with several of the large cloth hair scrunches on each frog toilet paper roll and show the babies how to pull the cloth hair scrunches (pretend lily pads) off the toilet paper rolls to find the frog hidden underneath. After the babies pull off the large cloth hair scrunches teacher will put them back on, repeat until the baby’s loose interest.
Directions: Print out the frogs and cut apart and then tape them onto the toilet paper rolls. You will need one toilet paper roll per child. Then cover the toiler paper rolls with the frog picture on them completely with clear contact paper or clear packing tape.
Safety note: Supervise the children with the materials. When they start to lose interest put the materials away.
Play Time:
Where’s Froggy?
You will need:
The frog toilet paper rolls from group time and one sturdy plastic cup per child.
Activity: Hold up the froggy toilet paper roll and drop it into a study plastic cup and say to the baby's "where is froggy?" Then reach into the cup and pull out the frog and say "there he is!" Then pass each baby one frog toilet paper roll and a sturdy plastic cup so they can play "where is froggy?" Show them how they can drop the frog into the cup and dump it out, pick it back up and put it back into the cup.
Safety note: Supervise babies with the materials and put away when the activity is over. Make sure you entirely cover the picture with clear packing tape to make it durable plus to cover up the ink on the picture or the ink on the pictures may get into babies mouth if it gets wet.
Sensory/Learning Time:
Froggy Drum Sticks
You will need:
Frog Print Out
Toilet Paper Rolls
Clear Contact Paper
Or Clear Packing Tape
Small box for each child such as Kleenex box.
Directions:Print out the frogs and cut apart and tape one frog picture to each toilet paper roll, you will need two toilet paper rolls per child. Then cover the toilet paper rolls with clear contact paper or clear packing tape to make them durable.
Activity: Sit the babies on the floor with a Kleenex box (upside down) in front of each baby and give each baby two toilet paper rolls (drum sticks) that have been completely covered with clear contact paper or clear packing tape to make them durable and show baby how to bang the toilet paper rolls onto the Kleenex box to make a tap, tap sound.
Shoulders & Arms
When the curriculum is purchased the lesson plans will describe how to do the infant massage for baby's shoulders and arms.
Nursery Rhymes:
Two Little Frogs
Adapted From Two Little Blackbirds
Two Little frogs sitting on a rock.
One name named Lucy the other named Locke. (Hold up one frog then the other frog)
Hop away Lucy; hop away Locke (hide one frog then the other behind your back)
Hop back Lucy. (Bring one frog back)
Hop back Locke. (Bring the other frog back)
Hold up two of the frog toilet paper rolls (from group time today) and use two of the frog toilet paper rolls with the rhyme above.
Please Note:
Babies enjoy being read to in a loving voice while looking into your eyes. Babies actually thrive and learn from listening to poetry and nursery rhymes. So please read a lot to the babies in your care! Anytime you talk, hold, sing or do other activities with the babies in your care you are providing them with “Quality Care”.
Click Here To Purchase May Infant Curriculum $15.00
May Infant Curriculum
- Includes -
- Four Weeks Of Lesson Plans
- Four Activity Calendars
- Four Themed Posters
- Printable Pages – to print out for May's Curriculum
Instant download $15.00 – or CD $25.00
$15.00 – Click Here To Buy
Print Out Today !!
May's Weekly Posters
Teddy Bear Theme
Colors Theme
Crab & Friends Theme
Bird Theme
Posters Are Paper Size
Print out on card stock paper
Or print out on copy paper and place in sheet protectors
Click Here To Purchase May Infant Curriculum $15.00
"Infant Curriculum
Instant Download
Theme Based Curriculum With Step by Step – Lesson Plans

Infant Curriculum (Ages 9 – 12 Months)
Our curriculum shown here is for our infants ages 9 to 12 months. We also have other infant curriculums available for infants 1 to 4 months,
4 to 6 months and
6 to 9 months. plus we have other curriculums available such as our younger toddlers curriculum ages 12 to 18 months, our toddler curriculum 18 months – 2.5 years and our preschool curriculum available for children ages 2.5 years to 6 years of age.
Our fun learning program shown here is for babies ages 9 to 12 months. Our program will provide the babies in your care with a fun "hands on learning program" that you can use year after year. Our program provides heuristic play materials, a touch of Montessori along with preschool themes (made for babies!)
Weekly Lessons consist of:
Group Time Activities
Language Development Activities
Sign Language (five per month)
Fun Hands On Learning Activities
Words To Songs and Rhymes
Step-By-Step Daily Lesson Plans
Four Activity Calendars – one for each week of curriculum activities
Four Curriculum Posters – one for each week of themed curriculum
Kids love using our program, parents love seeing their children exploring and learning, and you will love how easy the curriculum is to use!
Order today Start using the material right away! Order with a credit card and right after payment is made, you can start downloading the curriculum for the month that you purchase. Download within minutes after payment is made with a credit card.
Click Here To Purchase May Infant Curriculum $15.00
Infant Curriculum Program
Our new infant curriculum is made for babies ages 9 – 12 months. We have added a lot of "hands on" fun activities that involve some "Heuristic Play Materials" such as water bottles, milk cartons, sturdy plastic covers, egg cartons, hair rollers, shower curtain rings, napkin holders and other every day materials.
What is heuristic play? Heuristic comes from a Greek word eurisko "meaning to discover", heuristic play was developed about 30 years ago by Educational Psychologists, Elinor Goldschmeid. Heuristic play offers baby's different types of textures and items for the baby's to explore to help them develop their senses; touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. Some of the items that they would include for the baby's to play with would be sturdy plastic cups, plastic jar covers, milk cartons (cardboard ones) egg cartons, hair rollers, shower curtain rings and many other items.
What About Sharing?
young children don't always like to share and the types of items we try to use in our curriculum are mostly items that are very easy to "provide a lot of them" so there are plenty of items to go around and less stress to the baby's "feeling they need to share". One theory behind heuristic play is that you "provide a lot of materials" and only leave the materials down for a short time while the children are being "observed" playing with the items and the teachers let them play with the materials; however they want, as long as they are not hurting themselves or anyone else. We decided to use some of these "types of items" in our curriculum and to turn them into "learning activities" this way they are playing with the items and learning with them too! In our infant curriculum we have tried to incorporate some heuristic play items with a touch of Montessori ideas and some preschool themes (changed for babies) to make our "hands on learning curriculum."
What Are Sensory Activities
We have tried to provide a lot of sensory activities which include touching different textures such as fake fur, velour, corduroy, felt, and other types of textures along with handling different types of items such as metal cans (no sharp edges), jar covers, hair rollers, and many other items along with some water play on their high chairs and some finger painting with corn meal or strained carrots with a bib on and in their high chairs.
Learning Through Play
As you probably know a lot of "Infant Curriculums" are not really suitable for infants. Most of the actives are too hard for the infants to actually master. We know that not all infants will be able to sit, crawl and walk at the same age, some will sit up at 6 months, others at 9 months, but we have tried to make our activities as "baby friendly" as possible for the babies 9 to 12 months. You may find some of the learning activities can’t be mastered by all the babies, don't worry, they should still be able to "play with the materials and they are learning through play" babies actually learn a lot from playing, through play they can learn a lot of new skills that they will use now and in the future.By using our curriculum they will be exposed to a lot of new ideas, sensory items to touch and lots of songs and rhymes to help to stimulate and encourage the babies to explore their environment.
Hands On Learning Program
Our infant curriculum was designed to introduce infants to a variety of play materials where they can learn and grow and discover the world around them. We try to provide the young chilldren in our care with a fun activity based "hands on learning program" where the infants will learn by using their "five senses" by seeing pictures, by handling the learning materials, hearing songs and stories and learning a few simple signs (sign language) so they can communite with their caregivers!
Hands On Activities
Our new infant curriculum has a group time, sensory time, play time, massage time, Five signs per month (sign language) along withe some cute songs and rhymes to capture the infants attention plus help them to learn, they can learn a lot through our infant program. These activities are not only to entertain the children but to help them learn through sensory play and lots of fun "hands on" activities.
Enjoy the Activities with your group.
We have worked very hard on getting the curriculum put together. We hope you enjoy the activities with your infants. We hope your infant group has as much fun with these activities as our infants do.
Click Here To Purchase May Infant Curriculum $15.00
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NEW – Instantly Download Your Order ! For instant access to your purchase use a credit card. We can accept Visa, Master Card or American Express. Click here to purchase the curriculum.
Order By Phone, Fax, or Mail! To download today, use a credit card. We can accept Visa, Master Card or American Express or use a check by phone, there is a ten day wait for the check to clear the bank. To place your order over the phone call 1-800-591-4135 or click here to place an offline order by phone, fax or mail.
Check Your e-mail. After you place your order, you will need to check your e-mail Please make sure your e-mail is listed correctly, otherwise you will need to contact me with your correct e-mail address or call us toll free at 1-800-591-4135 with your correct e-mail address.
It's that simple!!
Click Here To Purchase May Infant Curriculum $15.00
Download Today! NEW – Order with a credit card and right after payment is made, you can start downloading the curriculum for the month that you purchase. Download within minutes after payment is made with a credit card.
How Will I Receive My Order? You will instantly receive the download link and password to download your purchase. After purchase has been made, check your e-mail for the download link and password. If you do not receive an e-mail from us after you placed your online order, e-mail us or at kids@adaycare.com or call us at (800) 591-4135 we are open 10 am 5 pm Eastern Time or 7 am – 3 pm West Coast Time.
Click Here – To Order
What Will I Receive? You will receive the month of curriculum that you purchase as a download for $15.00 per month or on a CD for $25.00 per month. For each month that you purchase, you will receive four weekly lessons to download, four calendars – one for each weekly theme to download, four posters – one for each weekly theme to download, PLUS all the printable pages for the month of curriculum that you purchase, as an instant download or on a CD!
What is the cost?
The cost is $15.00 per month as an instant download for the infant curriculum For each month of curriculum that you purchase you will receive, four weeks of lesson plans for each month that you purchase, four activity calendars – one for each week of curriculum activities, four curriculum posters – one for each week of themed curriculum, PLUS all the printable pages which include the printable coloring pages, and pictures that goes along with some of the activities, songs and rhymes for each month that you purchase. See below to order.
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