Teaching Picture:
Print out the color red picture and laminate
Hold up for the children and say red
On the download page you will find the printable pages and print out today’s picture. Tape the picture to the wall in a location where the toddlers can see it.
As you show the picture to children, talk about the picture, tell the children about the picture. Talking to the toddlers is a good way for them to get started on using their own language skills. The more words a toddler hears the more he learns, even if he/she is not talking yet, they are listening and learning and all of a sudden they will be talking.
Refer to the language development section below for a few suggestions on things to talk about with toddlers about the picture, the language development will give you suggestion on things to talk about or it will show an activity, rhyme or story and then continue talking to the children about the picture, using your own words.
Keep in Mind: Any and all printed material is not safe for toddlers. So do not give any printouts to the children unless you are supervising them. These are for you to hold up or attach to the wall.
Look at your toddlers and in a soothing voice talk about the picture.
Today's Music:
Blues Music
Play folk music for the children today.
Please Note: If you don't have any folk music you can check at your local library and try to borrow some folk music to play for the toddlers, if they do not have folk music, try to select some different types of music to play for the children, such as; blues, classical, country, soft rock, etc.
Play the music softly throughout the day in the background and it would be nice to play it quietly during naptime also to help the children settle down to go to sleep and keep them sleeping with a soft back ground noise.
Language Development:
Big Yellow Bus
Tune to: "Three Blind Mouse"
Big Yellow bus, Big Yellow bus,
See how they drive, See how they drive,
They all go to the school you know,
Dropping kids off and watching them go,
You will see them wherever you go,
Big yellow bus, Big yellow bus.
Directions: Print out the teaching picture – the bus picture and cover with clear contact paper or clear packaging tape and then hold then up as you sing the song. After you sing the song tape the airplanes to the wall so the children can view them throughout the day.
Print outs: Do not give the toddlers the print outs, unless they have been completely covered with clear packaging tape or clear contact paper to make them durable and if they start to wear, replace them. And any print outs that are "too small and pose a choking hazard" shouldn't be given to the toddlers.
Songs/Finger Rhymes:
The Wheels On The Bus
Traditional Song
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all around the town.
Repeat with:
The people on the bus go up and down,
The babies on the bus go wahh, wahh, wahh,
The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh,
Please note: Sing the song above with the children and act out the movements in the song with the children.

Group Activity:
Fun With Yellow
You will need:
Sturdy plastic cups
Yellow Blocks
Show the children the yellow blocks and point out that they are the same color as the yellow bus.
Provide the children with some sturdy plastic cups, such as yogurt or pudding cups, sturdy plastic fruit cups, study plastic tumbler cups, or the covers to liquid soap containers (thoroughly washed out) or the covers to spray paint cans (washed out) and some yellow mega blocks.
Show the toddlers how they can pour the blocks from one cup to another, how they can turn a larger plastic container upside down and place a smaller container on top, how they can learn how to put the smaller cup inside the larger cup, or stack the same size cups together.
Teacher should sit down with the children and "play too" this is how the toddlers learn, pour the blocks with the toddlers, and talk to them about what you're doing, such as "look at me I can pour one block into this cup, this is fun!" "Oh look at Jillian she has two yellow blocks in her cup, Jillian can you pour your blocks into the other cup? Show them how to stack the blocks, etc.
Safety Note: Make sure all the materials they are using are too large to chock on, always check with a choke tube, most items should be at least 1 inch wide by 2 inches long.
Art/Sensory Activity:
Color Yellow
You will need:
Yellow Paint (See recipe below)
Card stock paper (One sheet per child)
Toddler Safe Paint Brushes
Paint cups
Give the children a large sheet of white card stock paper and have the children paint with the color "Yellow" same color as the yellow bus!
Toddlers 12 – 15 Months: Offer the toddlers some paint and a brush, don't expect them to "paint a picture" they will play in the paint, that is fine, this activity is more about them having a fun "sensory activity" then actually making a picture, at this age it is more about the "process" than the product.
Please Note: Toddlers need a lot of sensory activities at this age. They learn best by their senses "touching, tasting, seeing, hearing and smelling".
Toddlers 16 – 18 Months: Some toddlers at this age are getting ready to actually "paint on the paper" but they need to learn from "you" the teacher, by painting with them, they learn by watching and coping, so please paint with them so they can see what they are supposed to be doing, if they are having more fun just finger painting and playing in the paint, then please just let them have a great time experimenting with the paint and feeling the "squishy feel" against their fingers, let them have fun, at this age its more about the "process" than actually making a "picture".
Directions: Have the children paint with yellow paint on paper. See paint recipe below to make some yellow paint. If you have toddlers that put the paint brush into their mouths you may want to have them finger paint instead. You should provide the toddlers with toddler safe brushes; the kind that is short and chubby works best for toddlers to paint with. Provide them with a small container of paint and a brush, if they are having a hard time then just put a glob of paint in the middle of their picture and show them how to take the brush and swish it through the paint or how to finger paint in the paint. Make sure you tape their paper down. As soon as they are done painting put the paint and the picture out of reach. Make sure children are wearing paint shirts and roll up their sleeves.
Please Note: You may need to tape their paper to the table, as young toddlers do not know how to hold their paper down when coloring, gluing, and painting, etc.
Taking Art Pictures Home: Make sure parents know that the art pictures that are being sent home are not toys; they are to be hung up as decorations or put away as memories not given to the children to play with as they could choke on the small pieces of material if not being supervised.

Play Time:
Egg Carton Peg Board
You will need:
Toilet Paper Rolls
Egg Carton – one per child
Print out (small children file)
Please Note: Save the toilet paper rolls to use again next week during circle week.
Directions: You will need one egg carton per child and some toilet paper rolls, for each per child. Print out the small children file and cut out the children and place them onto the toilet paper rolls and then completely cover the toilet paper roll with clear packaging tape, the more tape the sturdier it will be. Turn the egg carton upside down so the egg cups are sticking up in the air, this is the bus, have the toddlers place the kids into the bus by placing the toilet paper rolls onto the egg cups.
Safety Note: When they tire of this activity put the egg carton and toilet paper rolls away.
Learning Activity:
Yellow Blocks
You will need:
Large Box
Clear Contact Paper
Knife (Teacher Only – when children are not present)
You will a large box and you may want to weigh the boxes down by placing some books inside, so the box won't slide across the floor.
Optional – you may want to paint the box yellow and then put a strip of clear contact paper around the top part of box so the color of the box shows through.
Then teacher will cut a few holes into the top of each of the boxes for the children to be able to drop the blocks into the box and then teacher will cut a large hole in the bottom of the box for the children to remove the blocks.
Next, teacher will place some yellow mega blocks into a pile on the floor. Show the children the blocks and tell the children they are yellow, ask them if they can say the word "Yellow".
Teacher will show the children how to pick up the blocks and how to drop them into the holes in the box. Teacher will show them how to stick the blocks on the outside of the box onto the clear contact paper.
Talk to the children about what they are doing such as, Sammy you found a yellow block, look the box is the same color, it is yellow too, can you put the block in this hole? And then point to the hole. Then say something like, where did the block go? There it is, point into the bottom of the box, can you get the block? Good Job! Repeat with all the children.
Safety Note: Make sure the blocks are not too small that those pose a choking hazard, try to place them into a choking tube and make sure they are too large to fit inside it.
Nursery Rhymes:
I'm A Little Teapot
Traditional Song
I'm a little teapot short and stout,
Here is my handle (place one hand on hip)
Here is my spout (hold opposite arm straight out)
When I see the teacups here me shout,
Tip me over and pour me out. (Lean over)
Please Note: Young toddlers enjoy being read to and thrive and learn from listening to stories, songs, poetry and nursery rhymes. So please read and sing a lot to the children in your care!