
Fun Toddler Activities
Toddler Coloring Pages For Children 18 Months – 2.5 Years
Dinosaur Numbers Coloring Book
Dinosaur Numbers Coloring Pages.
Dinosaur numbers for toddlers and preschoolers. Young children love dinosaurs and what better way than to teach them numbers than by coloring the numbers.
Toddlers will have fun coloring the dinosaurs and seeing the numbers and older children will be able to see the numbers on each page, count the dinosaurs and then color the dinosaurs. There are 11 pages of dinosaurs, including the cover,
there are 10 pages with the numbers 1 through 10, one number on each page, for children to be able to see the number, count the dinosaurs and then color the dinosaurs.
These pages can be printed out right after purchase or downloaded and saved to your computer to print out later. These pages can be hole punched and tied together with yarn to make a dinosaur counting book.
These coloring pages are a fun learning idea for any child who is learning his numbers.
Right after purchase,
you will receive the password automatically, then save the file to your computer or simply print the file out, can be printed directly onto copy paper, if you want to turn it into a dinosaur counting book print
onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper, so after your child has colored all the pages, hole punch down one side and attach the pages with string or yarn.
This is a new item
and it's not included in our toddler August curriculum, can be purchased separately below.
Reg. Price 3.99
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Click here to purchase 2.99 (PDF File) dinosaur coloring pages, can be turned into a coloring book or counting book by hole punching the side of the pages and attaching the page with yarn or string.
This item contains (11 pages) 1 page is the cover (shown above) and the other 10 pages are the coloring pages
with the dinosaurs, one number on each page, you can view the cover and 3 of the pages above, the rest of the pages are similar to what you see above.
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& Activities

Toddler Games & Activity Book (PDF File)
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Fun Toddler Activities
Games and Activities For Children 18 Months – 2.5 Years
Sensory Table. A sensory table is such a great investment if you have toddlers in your care. Young children thrive on sensory activities and with a sensory table you can change the items as often as you want to give your child new textures to touch and play with each day. If you have a sand or water table you can easily turn it into a sensory table. If you don't have a sand or water table our toddler games and activities book will explain how to make your own you can make your own inside sand box for your child. We don't put sand in the sand table (sensory box) we use other items and the instructions will be included for this fun winter activity in our toddler games activities and activity book.
Our toddler games and activity book is designed to introduce toddlers to many different kinds of play activities, such as the sensory table, shown above. Toddlers need to a fun a safe place where they can learn and discover the world around them. Our toddler games and activity guide is tested and approved by the "toddlers". The activities in our book are made to be used with children 18 months to 2.5 years.

Flower Garden
You will need an egg carton and some plastic flowers. Next, you will need to turn the egg carton upside down and make a hole in the center of each egg cup. We use the egg cardboard type of egg carton, and we use either a sharp pair of scissors or a utility knife to make the holes (make sure you don't use these sharp items when children are present). Show your toddler how to stick the flowers into the holes to make a beautiful garden. This is a great learning game for toddlers, it teaches them one-to-one correspondence plus it's a great fine motor activity, along with hand and eye co-ordination. The complete instructions to this activity is in our toddler games and activity book.

Tissue Box Fun
You will need a tissue box and some cloth napkins. Show your toddler how to pull the napkins out of the tissue box and how to push them back inside. This is one of the activities from our toddler games and activities book.

Fun With Clothespins
You will need a milk carton. Cut the milk carton in half, and cover with contact paper or card stock paper. Then provide your toddler with the old fashioned clothespins that dont have a spring and show him how to slip the clothespins around the outside edge of the carton. This activity may be too hard for some toddlers, if it's too hard for them to slip the clothespins onto the edge of the milk carton you can make them another activity using the clothespins and a milk carton (cardboard type). Wash out the milk carton, fill with water and a bit of vinegar to kill germs and let it sit for a little bit, dump out the vinegar water and let air dry. After it dries cut a small hole into the top of the milk carton and show your toddler how to drop the wooden clothespins (old fashioned ones that don't have a spring) into the hole in the milk carton, make a hole into the back of the milk carton, just big enough for him/her to stick their hand in to take out the clothespins.

Drop The Cards
Fine motor activity(small muscles) – Drop the cards Game You will need a small box and a deck of cards.Cut a hole into the top of the box and show your toddler how to drop the cards into the box. This is a great way for toddlers to learn hand and eye co-ordination.
Toddler Learning Activities
Match Up Puzzle
Make A Puzzle For Your Toddler
You will need a few items from around the house and a piece of card stock paper. Trace the items and then show your toddler how to match the items up to the outline on the paper. This activity is for older toddlers.

Easter Eggs
Learn Colors With Easter Eggs! You will need an egg carton and some Easter eggs. Show your toddler how to put the eggs into the egg carton and then take them out and put them back in. For older toddlers you can place some circle stickers into the egg cups and have your child match the eggs to the color on the stickers. This activity is included in our toddler games and activities book, there are over 100 activities in our book.

Match The Numbers
Teach Your Toddler Numbers!
You will need a piece of card stock paper or construction paper,and a deck of cards. Trace the cards onto the paper and write down a few numbers such as 2 – 6 on the outline on the paper. Only use the cards that will match the numbers 2 – 6 and have your child match the cards to the paper. This activity is for older toddlers. This activity is included in our toddler games and activities book, there are over 100 activities in our book.

Black & Red Cards
Teach Your Toddler Colors You will need two paper plates and a deck of cards. Glue one red card to one plate and glue one black card to the other paper plate. Show your toddler how to sort the cards on the plates by color. Be sure to mention the colors red and black often while playing this learning game. This activity is included in our toddler games and activities book, there are over 100 activities in our book, click here to purchase!
Toddler Printable Games
Dinosaur Color Game
Dinosaur Color Game – Print Out. Print out two game boards. Cut one apart to use as the matching cards. Have your child match the dinosuars to the game board by color. This printable game and other printable games can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00, instant download.

Farm Animal Match Up
Farm Animal – Match Up – Printable Game. Print out two game boards. Cut one apart to use as the matching cards. Have your child match the farm animals to the game board.This printable game and other printable games can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00, instant download.

Alphabet Boat Lotto
Alphabet Boat Lotto – Printable Game Print out two game card boards. Cut one apart to use as the matching cards. Have your child match the boats to the game board by match the letters. This printable game and other printable games can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00, instant download.

Cat Number Match Up Game
Cat Number Match Up – Printable Game. Print onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper, print out two sets of the game cards, one will be the game board and the other set will be the game pieces, have children match up the game pieces to the game board. This printable game and other printable games can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00, instant download.
Toddler Coloring Pages

Fire Truck Coloring Page
Fire Truck Coloring or Craft Page. Coloring Page or fun craft, have your toddler color the fire truck or paint the fire truck with red tempera washable paint.This coloring page and other coloring pages (can also be used as craft pages)can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00 instant download.

Dinosaur – Coloring Page
Dinosaur – Coloring or Craft Page Coloring Page or fun craft, have your toddler color the dinosaur or paint the dinosaur with tempera washable paint.This coloring page and other coloring pages (can also be used as craft pages)can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00 instant download.

Bird Coloring Page
Bird Coloring or Craft Page Print onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper and have your toddler color the bird. The bird can also be used as a craft page, provide your child with some glue and feathers (adult supervision) and show him how to put some glue onto the bird and then how to stick the feathers into the glue to make a cute bird picture.This coloring page and other coloring pages (can also be used as craft pages)can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00 instant download.

Turtle Coloring Page
Turtle Coloring or Craft Page Print the turtle picture onto white copy paper as a coloring page. Print the turtle onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper to turn the turtle picture into a fun craft page. You will need some green paper such as green construction paper and have your child help you rip the paper into small pieces. You will need some glue and the pieces of green paper (adult supervision) and show him how to put some glue onto the turtle and then how to stick the pieces of green paper into the glue to make a cute turtle picture. This coloring page and other coloring pages (can also be used as craft pages)can be printed out right after purchasing the toddler games and activity book (PDF File) for 15.00 instant download.
Toddler Games & Activity Book (PDF File)
Click here to buy $15.00
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