Happy Halloween Everyone!
12 Spooky Ghosts Book & Activities
Click here to view and/ or purchase our 12 Spooky Ghosts Book and 15 activities to go along with the book.
Halloween Math Pack

Click Here To View Our Halloween Math Pack – 30 Activities – on sale for only 5.99
We hope your child enjoys our new video!
This is a fun preschool rhyme for Halloween. Children will love yelling boo at the ghosts and seeing the ghosts disappear.
We hope you enjoy our video for preschool aged kids to enjoy, learn their numbers, learn not to be scared of ghosts; they just need to yell BOO! To scare them away!
Rhymes are a great way to get children interacting with the world around them. Rhymes are fun and also a part of language learning and development. I hope your children enjoy the rhyme, I have used simple images to attract the children's attention and I have tried to bring them into the activity by yelling Boo throughout the video.
I hope your little ones enjoy the educational video, as this video also works on teaching numbers 1 – 12.
Our Halloween rhyme is about 12 spooky ghosts, don't worry the video is not scary. This video is a fun way to capture your child's attention and to help him focus on hearing the numbers 12, 11, 10, etc. This is a countdown rhyme.
This rhyme is about 12 spooky ghosts outside today and someone yells boo! And scares one away. Now there are 11 spooky ghosts outside one day and someone yells boo! And scares one ghost away. Now there are ten spooky ghosts outside today and someone yells boo! and scares one away! The rhyme continues in this countdown pattern.
The rhyme repeats itself over and over which is an easy way for young children to be able to quickly learn and then be able to recite the rhyme along with the video.
If you are allowed to play videos for the children in your daycare this makes a great educational video for them to watch, if you can't play videos we also have the same rhyme in book format as a PDF file on our website it is sold in our Halloween math activities pack and it is on sale right now for only 5.99
We also have a lot of fun hands on lesson plans for Halloween which can be found at www.adaycare.com/October.html for children ages 2.5 to 6 years.
We also have infant and toddler lesson plans.
The video is great for capturing young children's attention and can be used to help children learn their numbers 1 – 12 or to review their numbers 1 to 12.
On our website we have the same story in PDF Format, the same ones used in the video.
We also have the ghost that you can easily download and print out the ghosts and use on a magnetic board to go along with this video. The ghost printouts are in a (PDF File)
The ghosts can be used on a felt board or a magnetic board to act out the rhyme again with the children, or let the children use the ghost on the felt board and they can have fun playing with the ghost and scaring them away.
We also made a printable book that can be printed out for the children to look at after seeing the video. The printable book is a PDF file. These items can be found on our website at
Our October curriculum for preschoolers is broken down into 4 weekly themes Trees, Pumpkins, Fall Autumn, Hallowen. You can view our October curriculum at
Thanks for watching our video, I hope you and your child/ren enjoyed the video!
This cute video was made to go along with our preschool October curriculum which includes a Halloween theme.
Click Here To View our October Preschool Curriculum (Ages 2.5 – 6 Years)
Lesson Plans Click Below |
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