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View Preschool Curriculum Sample 3 March – St. Patrick’s Week
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Preschool Curriculum Program
Our preschool curriculum program
is geared towards children 2.5 up to 5 years old.
Our curriculum is aimed at teaching the children their shapes, colors, upper and lower case alphabet and numbers, learning to tell time, learning a few beginning sounds, simple science activities and so much more. Children will be using glue, paint and working on learning how to cut, trace, tell time plus work on pre math, pre reading, and science. Some of the simple science projects would be sorting fruits and vegetables, growing grass, watching an ant farm and so many other exciting activities!!
Our todder curriculum program
is available for every month of the year.
Our toddler themes are geared towards children 16 months to about 2.5 years. Our toddler program provides lessons on teaching the toddlers their colors, shapes, numbers up to 10, and some of their alphabet. These lessons are for children beginning to paint and glue. We also provide the words to songs/finger rhymes along with other fun activities. Our toddler curriculum is sold seperately, please click here to view our toddler program.
How Our Program Started.
We decided to develop a toddler/preschool curriculum program because we couldn't find one that we liked.
We have worked very hard at developing a good toddler/ preschool curriculum program. I bought several books on Preschool Themes and even tried a few programs that delivered every thing to your doorstep. My problem was that became expensive and the books I purchased were not quite what I was looking for. I would go through the whole book only to use one or two activities. I was determined to have a Great Toddler/Preschool Program. I have taken several classes on creating your own curriculum and have learned a lot of new ways to teach children. So I finally decided it was time to come up with my own curriculum. I find my program works really well with my home daycare but all the activities will work for a larger daycare setting or preschool or even for Mom who is lucky enough to be home with her child. All children need daily stimulation and my program provides a lot of fun interesting activities. We hope you enjoy the curriculum as much as we enjoyed putting this program together.
Getting Ready For School. We have found that when children are having fun and enjoy what they are doing, they learn quickly, which is what our program is all about, teaching the children through fun activities.
Our program is like providing a mini nursery school and preschool program in your own home. Parents like the idea that their child is having fun participating in daily activities, art projects, songs, finger plays and games, which is teaching them and getting them ready for school.

Weather Chart
My preschool curriculum
provides a circle time, art time, learning time and a special activity for five days per week.
We start our morning program off each day with circle time. To begin our circle time, we discuss with the children the weather outside. We have the children look out the window and then we ask them "what is the weather outside?" If you have a lot of younger children they may not be able to answer correctly, then
we give them hints; such as, (Is the sky white or blue?) if its white does anyone know what that means? (It’s cloudy) "Is it raining outside?" Is
snowing outside?" Is it cloudy outside?" Is it windy outside?" We have a weather chart and each day we have one of the children move the arrow to the
correct weather for that day. The weather chart is included in the toddler or preschool curriculum.
Next we focus on the calendar.
I will ask the children "Does anyone know what day it is?" If no one knows what day it is, I
will tell them, "Today Is Thursday." I made a felt calendar with numbers that have Velcro on their backs to stick to the calendar. The children take turns
putting up the numbers each day to show that days date. The Toddlers are too young to understand what a calendar is but they still have fun sticking up the
numbers. Our calendar is in my dining room and the children need to climb up into a chair to be able to reach the calendar to put on the numbers. I always
stand nearby when they are climbing onto the chair incase they start to fall. After the number for the day is put up, we start at number one, on the calendar
and I have the children count with me, to the new date that we just placed onto the calendar. As they say the numbers I point to the numbers on the calendar
to help to teach them their numbers.
Circle Time –
We start our Toddler / or Preschool Program off each day with circle time. We try to get all the children to sit together in a circle on the floor. We never force any child to participate, but we do try to encourage participation. You will find in the daily lessons which activity to do each morning for circle time. Our circle time activities could be a talk or discussion but usually involves a fun activity such as a learning activity, games, singing songs, hearing a story, etc.
Fun Way To Learn –
We have found a lot of fun ways to help the children to learn while they’re having fun. After out circle time activity we focus on the calendar. I made a Velcro one with Velcro numbers. The children take turns putting the numbers up each day. Toddlers are too young to understand what a calendar is but they still have fun sticking up the numbers and singing our seven days of the week song. All the older toddlers can sing most of it.
Seven Days Of The Week Song
There are seven days in the week, seven days in the week. There are seven days in the week. "Hold up 7 fingers"
And I know them all. "Point to self"
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Saturday is the last one. Saturday ends the week. "Teacher will point to each day on the calendar"
Repeat song.
Singing Songs And Reciting Rhymes -
Each week we teach the children a few new songs or rhymes for that week's theme.
Children like repetition so don't be afraid to sing any song the children really like on a daily basis, but try to add a few new ones each week. Don't expect the toddlers to sing with you but they really enjoy music so please sing. In time they will be able to copy the hand movements to the songs and nursery rhymes they hear often and before you know it they will start to sing a word or two. Be sure to include some of the children's favorites each week. Some of our children's favorites are listed below.
Weather Chart -
The weather chart is included in every monthly curriculum package.
We start our morning program off each day with circle time. To begin our circle time, we discuss with the children the weather outside. We have the children look out the window and then we ask them "what is the weather outside?" If you have a lot of younger children they may not be able to answer correctly, then we give them hints; such as, (Is the sky white or blue?) if its white does anyone know what that means? (It’s cloudy) "Is it raining outside?" Is it snowing outside?" Is it cloudy outside?" Is it windy outside?" We have a weather chart and each day we have one of the children move the arrow to the correct weather for that day.
Art Time -
There is a daily art project (craft) for the children to do each day that goes along with that weeks theme.
After circle time we have the children come to the table and sit down and get ready for art time. Look in your Toddler or Preschool lesson plans to see which craft you will be doing that day, and if you need to print anything out for that days craft. If we are going to use glue I place the glue into tiny plastic cups such as the kind you get with the sample play dough. I only put a small amount in the cup; just enough for that days project. I give the toddlers large brushes to use and the preschoolers smaller ones. If we are going to paint I make sure each child has some type of paint shirt on. If you do not have enough paint shirts, you can always use an old sweat shirt and cut off the arms. Anything will work. We use our old and stained up wash clothes for paint rags. I just wet the paint rag and it keep it handy for spills or for a child who is done before the others, or we may keep a dish pan with a small amount of water in it for the children who finish early to rinse off until they can get into the bathroom to wash up with soap and warm water.
Preschool Learning Activities -
Above are a few examples of some of our preschool learning activities.
These activities are made from easily accessible materials and provide a fun learning experience for the children. Our program also offers learning activties can be a work sheet, coloring page, a game, puzzles, bug hunt, ant farm, nature walk and other fun idea's. These activities are to teach the children about sharing, numbers, alphabet, shapes, colors and much more! The activities shown above may not be available for the month you are purchasing but similar activities are available for each month.
Special Activities -
Our preschool program also provides special activities for each day.
Please view the examples above. The first picture the one with the flowers is an activity where the children will go on a flower hunt and collect plastic flowers. The next picture show an activity where the children will feed the puppy some bones and the picture shows an activity of putting hair scrunches onto a card board base. Each monthly program has different monthly activities. The ones shown above may not be available for the month you are purchasing but similar activities are available for each month.
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Preschool Curriculum – Lesson Plans
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Preschool Curriculum – Weekly Calendars
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Preschool Curriculum – Weekly Posters
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$15.00 Instant Download
View January Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View February Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View March Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View April Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View May Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View June Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View July Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View August Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View September Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View October Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View November Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages
View December Curriculum – Click Here – Includes 4 weekly lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters & Activity pages

Four Weeks Of Lesson Plans
For Each Month Purchased
You will receive four weeks of daily lesson plans for each month of curriculum purchased. You will also receive four activity calendars – one for each week of curriculum activities , four curriculum posters – one for each week of themed curriculum, and printable pages which includes the Printable games, craft patterns, coloring pages, work sheets and activities for each month of curriculum purchased.
Printable Pages

For Each Month Purchased
Printable games, craft patterns, coloring pages, work sheets and activities
You will receive four weeks of daily lesson plans for each month of curriculum purchased. You will also receive four activity calendars – one for each week of curriculum activities , four curriculum posters – one for each week of themed curriculum, and printable pages which includes the printable games, craft patterns, coloring pages, work sheets and activities
for each month of curriculum purchased.
Four Curriculum Posters

For Each Month Purchased
You will receive four weeks of daily lesson plans for each month of curriculum purchased. You will also receive four activity calendars – one for each week of curriculum activities , four curriculum posters – one for each week of themed curriculum, and printable pages which includes the printable games, craft patterns, coloring pages, work sheets and activities for each month of curriculum purchased.
Four Activity Calendars
For Each Month Purchased
You will receive four weeks of daily lesson plans for each month of curriculum purchased. You will also receive four activity calendars – one for each week of curriculum activities , four curriculum posters – one for each week of themed curriculum, and printable pages which includes the printable games, craft patterns, coloring pages, work sheets and activities for each month of curriculum purchased.
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Daily Lesson Plans
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Printable games, Coloring Pages and work Sheets
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Preschool Curriculum
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Preschool Program – Pictures
In the picture above the preschooler is very proud of her "art project". She is holding up the very large caterpillar she made. The children painted paper plates and the teacher stapled them together to make a caterpillar.
View Children Using Curriculum
Circle Time, Learning Time, Art Time Pictures
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January Preschool Curriulum
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Download Today! NEW – Order with a credit card and right after payment is made, you can start downloading the curriculum for the month that you purchase. Download within minutes after payment is made with credit card.
How Will I Receive My Order? You will receive your order receipt by email. After purchase has been made, check your email for the download link and password. If you do not receive an email from us after you placed your online order, email us or at or call us at 1-800-591-4135 (we are open 10 – 5 East Coast Time).
What Will I Receive? You will receive the month of curriculum that you purchased. For each month that you purchase, you will receive four weeks of lesson plans, four activity calendars – one for each week of curriculum activities, four curriculum posters – one for each week of themed curriculum, PLUS all the printable pages which include the printable games, craft patterns, coloring pages, work sheets and activities for the month of curriculum that you purchased.
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January Preschool
February Preschool
March Preschool
April Preschool
May Preschool
June Preschool
July Preschool
August Preschool
September Preschool
October Preschool
November Preschool
December Preschool
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On CD $25.00 per month purchased
January Preschool
February Preschool
March Preschool
April Preschool
May Preschool
June Preschool
July Preschool
August Preschool
September Preschool
October Preschool
November Preschool
December Preschool
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